Endocarditis Diagnosis & treatment

heart infection from iv drug use

An early diagnosis can increase the chance of effective treatment and minimize the potential for possible medical complications. The hepatitis virus can cause hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, the most serious of the hepatitis viruses. Hepatitis C can be either acute or chronic, meaning the symptoms are either short- or long-term. While acute hepatitis C symptoms typically occur within a few weeks, chronic hepatitis C symptoms often take several months or even years to develop.

Management of Infective Endocarditis in People Who Inject Drugs

Through a needle, these germs can immediately bypass the normal barriers and protective defenses your skin has, increasing the likelihood that an infection can develop. The increased case count is one of the lesser-known side effects of the deadly addiction epidemic. But patients with endocarditis, an inflammation of the heart lining caused by infection, require complex, thoughtful care — care that the U.S. health system is ill-equipped to provide. High doses of antibiotics are used to treat endocarditis caused by bacteria.

Common Drugs Related to IV Use

heart infection from iv drug use

But for patients with addiction, each of those steps adds a new layer of complexity — in particular, lengthy hospital stays and ensuing withdrawal for patients accustomed to regular opioid use. Increased injection drug use has led to a spike in cases of the life-threatening heart condition endocarditis, with cases rapidly accelerating since the onset of Covid-19. Depending on the aggressiveness (virulence) of the infecting germ, the heart damage caused by endocarditis can be swift and severe (acute endocarditis) or slower and less dramatic (subacute endocarditis).

Clinical Outcomes

heart infection from iv drug use

Call your doctor whenever you experience symptoms of acute or subacute endocarditis, especially if you have a history of heart valve damage, a known heart murmur or an implanted device in your heart (artificial valve or pacemaker wire). Symptoms of acute endocarditis usually begin suddenly and get worse quickly. Subacute endocarditis develops more slowly, and its milder symptoms can be present for weeks or months before the illness is suspected. The first health care provider you see will likely be your primary care provider or an emergency room doctor. You may be referred to a doctor or surgeon trained in diagnosing and treating heart conditions (cardiologist). Heart valve surgery may be needed to treat persistent endocarditis infections or to replace a damaged valve.

Clinical Topics

The patient, however, did not improve and 2 weeks after admission, had a cardiac arrest and died. Endocarditis is an infection that develops in the heart’s inner lining or valves. Symptoms of endocarditis may develop quickly for some patients while developing more slowly for others. Untreated endocarditis is a dangerous condition and results in death without proper medical attention.

Here, we present an interesting case of IE in a relatively young IDU patient with severe MSSA positive sepsis. The updated diagnostic and treatment strategies, as well as the ethical issues involved iv drug use in the management of IE patients in the setting of current active IDU will also be discussed. The diagnosis and management of infectious endocarditis can represent a prolonged and complex process.

  • For those with an abscess, the skin often feels warm, sensitive and painful to the touch.
  • Furthermore, the rarity of IPE as a clinical entity and the uncommon microbial pathogens causing it suggest further research in the future, particularly in patients with an unclear history of precipitating factors.

Hepatitis C is a type of viral infection that can be spread through the use of IV drugs. Hepatitis C can be difficult to diagnose early for some patients, as it can take from six months to 10 years or more for symptoms to become apparent. Hepatitis causes inflammation in the liver, which can have serious side effects. On average, approximately 80% of people do not exhibit any symptoms of hepatitis. Skin ulcers are a common complication that can occur for those who misuse intravenous drugs.

Deterrence and Patient Education

Persistent fever and sepsis, pulmonary events such as septic pulmonary embolism, anemia, and microscopic hematuria are the most common clinical manifestations in patients with RSIE. In some studies, the term ‘tricuspid syndrome’ is used to outline the presence of the abovementioned symptoms in patients with RSIE [31]. When septic pulmonary embolism occurs in the setting of IPE, the patient presents with pneumonia-like symptoms, including fever, shortness of breath, and pleuritic chest pain, accompanied by radiographic and laboratory findings suggestive of pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary hypertension is another manifestation of septic pulmonary embolism that can occur in some patients. Autopsy analysis of nine patients revealed that vegetation extended into the pulmonary trunk and its branches in 67% of the patients explored, showing how common pulmonary events are in IPE [6, 19]. However, most patients are overlooked due to the subtle and nonspecific clinical signs of IPE, such as pulmonic regurgitant murmur, which may be auscultated in approximately 50% of the patients during the later stages of the disease [3, 6, 32,33,34,35,36].

  • If the etiological agents are MRSA, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fungi, or HACEK, the treatment is similar to IE in non-IDU patients.
  • “The regional differences in disease burden indicate that both interventions and funding must be tailored to local needs. Best practices in the multidisciplinary management of DU-IE and the development of regional and national preventive strategies are urgently needed.”
  • The spike in cases, and growing recognition that the U.S. health system is ill-equipped to treat complex patients experiencing addiction, has spurred calls for improving treatment standards.
  • The development of infectious endocarditis requires the presence of bacteria or fungi in the blood and an intracardiac surface on which these microorganisms can attach.
  • While wound botulism is a less common illness, it is very serious and can develop when a germ known as Clostridium botulinum enters a wound or injection site and creates a toxin.
  • When the body’s nerves are targeted, it can cause difficulty breathing and general muscle weakness.

In about 20% to 40% of patients who do not have artificial heart valves and who do not use intravenous drugs, no heart problem can be identified that would increase their risk of endocarditis. In the 10% to 20% of endocarditis patients who have artificial heart valves, infections that follow within 60 days of valve surgery often are caused by a staphylococcus, while endocarditis that occurs later most frequently is caused by a streptococcus. Similarly to most examples of IE, Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent in majority of IE cases (60–70%) related to IDU and is mostly MSSA.

heart infection from iv drug use

Postoperative follow-up revealed the patient was in stable condition, with no reported complications six months after the operation. According to the most recent comprehensive data (January 2020) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and a major contributor to long-term disability. Typically each year in the United States, up to 47,000 people are treated in the hospital for endocarditis, which increases stroke risk. This serious, sometimes deadly infection occurs when bacteria in the bloodstream reach the heart lining, valves or blood vessels. While endocarditis is uncommon, people with certain heart conditions are at greater risk.